
还记得你高中时那位很棒的英语老师吗? The one that made Shakespeare palatable and convinced you to be a teacher? Our Upper Level Secondary 教育 program is how you become that teacher. Teaching grades 7-12, is a calling that takes energy, talent, and all of your God-given gifts. 但回报是非凡的. 在这个年纪, 年轻人正在成熟, 定义他们的梦想, 渴望发展自己的正规赌博十大网站正规赌博十大网站. It’s an incredible few years and an amazing opportunity for you to serve as their 基督教 teacher, 导师, 和指导.

学分 126





Youth in middle school, junior high, and high school are a lively and fun group to teach. 他们正在成长为成年人, 但他们也敞开了大门, just waiting for an amazing teacher or 导师 to make a thoughtful impact … to encourage their faith walk or ignite their excitement over a particular subject. Concordia’s Upper Level Secondary 教育 program prepares you to teach grades 7-12 in your selected content area. 你也有机会获得正规赌博十大网站路德教教学文凭, 这样你就可以在全国各地的路德教会学校教书了. You can BE that special teacher you remember having so long ago … the one that made a world of difference and helped direct your dreams and solidify your walk with Christ.


中南大学教育学院学生, 莉莉Alaspa, practices student teaching in a high school classroom with fellow classmates.


Concordia’s Upper Secondary 教育 program prepares you to teach grades 7-12 in your selected content area. Learn from experienced professors who bring a wealth of knowledge from the Lutheran, 基督教, 公共教育领域. You’ll learn how to design and use teaching methods in your specialty area that will make a meaningful impact in the classroom. 在我们的节目中, you will learn how to bring faith and learning together in a meaningful way for your students, 计划课程和管理教室, 使用技术和最佳实践, 成为一名致力于课堂服务的教育者, 教堂, 和社区.


Secondary 教育 candidates must complete a major and a minor in a subject area that the 教育学院 offers certification in. Concordia’s approved areas for teacher candidates in Secondary 教育 are described below.


  • 英语
  • 综合科学
  • 数学
  • 社会研究


  • 生物学
  • 英语
  • 历史
  • 数学
  • 特殊教育-学习障碍
  • 安阿伯

